In this area you will find all technical information in the form of manuals and films

In this area you will find all technical information in the form of manuals and films

Formal note:
The EMAS-technologies are freely available and may be used by anyone.
The technologies presented have been established and safe for many years.
However, the construction and use of all technologies shown is always at your own risk, EMAS-International e. V. cannot assume any liability.
EMAS Standard Bohrsystem
Dieses Handbohrsystem wurde von EMAS in Bolivien entwickelt. Es kann 100 Meter Tiefe erreichen.
EMAS Pumpe
Die EMAS Pumpe zum Selberbau mit Ventilen aus einfachen PVC fittings.
Ferrozement Bauanleitung
Die kleinen Ferrozementtanks sind nütlich für die Wasserspeicherung im Haushalt
EMAS Zisternen
Die EMAS Zisterne mit 7.000 Litern benötigt ca. 5 Säcke Zement. Sie ist kostengünstig, langlebig und können den Wasserbedarf des ganzen Jahres decken.
EMAS Latrinen
Die EMAS Latrinen sind geruchlos und kostengünstig.
Dieser Eisenzementtank benötigt nur Bindedraht anstelle eines Baustahlkäfigs. Er ist günstiger und einfacher zu bauen.
EMAS Bohrung
Dieses Video zeigt den gesamten Ablauf einer EMAS Bohrung bis zur Fertigstellung des EMAS Brunnens
This video shows the entire process of an EMAS well up to the completion of the EMAS well.
The EMAS latrines are odorless and cost-effective.
Ferrocement tanks
This iron cement tank requires only binding wire instead of a structural steel cage. It is cheaper and easier to build.
EMAS-drilling machines
The EMAS pump for DIY with valves from simple PVC fittings.
Ferrocement building instructions
The small ferrocement tanks are useful for water storage in the home
EMAS-Standard Drilling System
This hand drilling system was developed by EMAS in Bolivia. It can reach a depth of 100 meters.
The EMAS cistern with 7,000 liters requires about 5 bags of cement. It is inexpensive, durable and can cover the water needs of the whole year.
EMAS Drilling
This video shows the entire process of an EMAS well up to the completion of the EMAS well.
EMAS Latrines
The EMAS latrines are odorless and cost-effective.
Ferrocement tanks
This iron cement tank requires only binding wire instead of a structural steel cage. It is cheaper and easier to build.
EMAS Standard Drilling System
This hand drilling system was developed by EMAS in Bolivia. It can reach a depth of 100 meters.
EMAS cisterns
The EMAS cistern with 7,000 liters requires about 5 bags of cement. It is inexpensive, durable and can cover the water needs of the whole year.
EMAS drilling machines
The EMAS pump for DIY with valves from simple PVC fittings.
Ferrocement building instructions
The small ferrocement tanks are useful for water storage in the home